My children love to ham it up for pictures – Kris though doesn’t like wearing shorts! So the best I could do for this was get a picture without his face showing. I did get a picture with him wearing a Koala bear hat with gloves also.
With the cold...
There are a lot of colors that even to me look really similar. Until you put them side by side you can’t tell which is which. To me – seafoam and mint look to be the closest match. I do love the items that are made from either though! The pair of pants...
I love the Eggplant color! To me it’s a deep purple almost heather-ed with black. To tell on some colors the difference in colors the best way is to put them side by side and eggplant vs. purple is no different. Until I reorder I currently have enough to make...
I decided with summer approaching it’s time to try out some swimsuit patterns. My first try was Create Kids Couture Tankini!
Due to some issues with the pattern for the bottoms I’m still in the process of making my suit but I did finish my...
Now for the better geeky fabric! This one is in limited supply. I was originally in love with the Michael Miller Lab Animals and Atoms, but I’ve fallen out of love with Michael Miller quickly. 🙂 So I have to share our new fabric that just came in! We have...